Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Ibuybeauti is looking for the 10 beauty bloggers to join their team to review products.

They are looking for 10 motivated beauty bloggers who can write unbiased reviews of Korean cosmetics and skin care products and the bloggers will be divided into certain categories to make navigation easier.
The said products will be provided for free by Ibuybeauti, a korean cosmetics/skin care online shop based in Seoul, South Korea.

The selected beauty bloggers will be given 3-5 products of their choice and they must write their product reviews on Beautifan, a review blog specially made for Ibuybeauti customers so they can get a more detailed information about the products available in the shop. According to Aegyo Princess, the beautifan is not ready yet because it is still under construction and there will be a giveaway.

There are really many famous products in the Ibuybeauti website that is not even available in Malaysia. For example, Iope, CNP, Espoir and Scinic.
Besides, you could also watch the uploaded English sub Get It Beauty Korean Beauty show. It is really very famous in Korea. I also get know many tips and trends especially the 'blind test products'.

If you love Korean skincare or cosmetics products or just want to apply, send your applications to beautifanblog@gmail.com with the following info:
Blog Address
Skin Type
Best Beauty Review link
Brief self introduction

Application Period:
Feb 3 - Feb 18

Announcement of winners:
Feb 20

Check out Ibuybeauti to see our wide selection of Korean beauty products.
Check this link for more info: http://bit.ly/1fEBSdV
For inquiries don't hesitate to contact them at beautifanblog@gmail.com

Join now and be part of the Ibuybeauti sponsorship program.

I am not sure if I have even the slightest chance of getting into the program but well it is worth a try.  > <

Have a great day =)