Thursday, August 1, 2013


picture from Melvita website

I got a 28ml sample of this from The Juniper Journal beauty box.  I saw mixed review about this extraordinary water and was wondering whether to try it.  Then again, nothing to lose and i tried it on half of face incase i break out.

This extraordinary rose water is watery and something like the Japanese Senka Hoshitsu lotion.  I read that this extraordinary water is raved over in western countries but it is not popular in Malaysia since it is so expensive.  I find it moisturising and should be just applied on the face like moisturisers and not swipe it over the face.  Since this is lightweight like watery gel, it is quite cooling and easily absorbed after applied over the face especially when the skin "cracked" and with skin that just doesn't like anything creamy.  My skin dislike cream and tend to break out with anything called cream =(  so i always steer clear of it.  Cream is like poison to my skin so i don't use anything cream.  It is expensive to use it as mask since i read somewhere it cost Rm79 because it is also an organic and natural products.

It smell of rose which is the first ingredients and the second ingredients is lemon.  Lemon can be irritating so try to do a test patch first incase if you are not suitable to it.  Overall, rose water is okay and known for soothing dry skin and will be extraordinary if your skin is dry and in need of light moisturiser.  I don't think it could help with anything called pigmentation, acne or pimples.  I tried it when my skin was very dry to the point of flakes came out and it is very good and soothing to that area but for the oily area, it doesn't help =P  .  I think it will be good as toner for people with dry skin.

Another affordable dupe that i would say would be the Senka Hoshitsu lotions which are much kinder to the pocket but Hoshitsu lotion is not a natural or organic product.

28ml samples from the Juniper Journal box.  ^^  Appreciate it very much.  It is not a sponsored review.
The opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

Have a great day =)