Sunday, March 31, 2013

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I bought during my Sasa haul as i was in need of moisturiser.  Now this has become my legs' lotion as i couldn't finish it on my face.  As well when i have other moisturiser to try.  I am not loyal unless i found the "RIGHT ONE" for my face.  Even that, sometimes i tend to stray >  <  .  My face is just picky and it will break out if i keep forcing it to accept skincare that it doesn't like.  I don't notice any whitening effect on my face even after 3 weeks so that why i decide to let my legs have it.  Overall, it is cheap.  This emulsion contains fragrance.

sorry, i can't really remember how much i bought it.  If not mistaken. less than RM10 for 65ml. 

This is not a sponsored review.  i bought this with my own money.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


This is my current skin.

This my terrible skin in the past which is actually quite good compare to 10 years ago.  I didn't take photos of that time cause i was just so ugly that i do not want any photos.
Please do not get shocked

I do not have that great skin but at least it is better compare to when I was in my secondary or college years. At least I do not have any humongous erupting volcanoes now.  Maybe one or two small will pop out once in a month.  Comparing to years ago, this is so much better.

Well, i tried everything and every month i would go to Watson or Guardian and spent a lot on skincare products.  When I started working, i used SKII before.  It does help but not totally.  I almost gave up and decided to see a dermatologist to get a better skin.  However, I had changed my mind when i saw that a friend whom went to see a dermatologist but still have a bad skin condition.  Besides, I do not have the money to go for peels, microdermabrasion or for facials that cost few Ks as I was a poor student back then and still do not really like facial.

Yeah, i became my own dermatologist and used my own skin to endlessly keep trying and trying for the "right" products.  I do envy people now that they can just google up and check the response for a product compare to me 10 years ago when i do not even own a computer.  Last year, i manage to finally get some few products suitable for my skin by accident or through recommendation. I wish i have found them much earlier so that i don't end with some dented and pit scars on my face =(  .

Yeah, I pop all the pimples out even if there is no pus leaving scars behind.  Who don't right?

So my current regime is just simple and there is certain things that i do to keep it clear.  Who doesn't want a beautiful skin right?

1. Less sugar.  If it is possible, try to lessen sugar in your daily food. (avoid everything written 'diet')
2. Drink Japanese green tea
3. Eat yogurt or some probiotic
4.  Sleep before 12 at night.  You might not see the benefits of it but long deprivation will cause hormone imbalance.
5.  Use a gentle cleanser such as SRB Stabilized Rice Bran  or B.Lab hydrating matcha  or Himalaya Purifying gel cleanser
6. I use  differin only at night for pimples gel(when I break out) (don't use it when you are pregnant)
7. Always use sun protection or sunblock (especially if you use Differin or you will be looking like a lobster)
8.  Use a light moisturiser or probiotics moisturiser  Purito Oat in Calming cream  and Skin1004 centella soothing cream
9. Drink enough of water (include vegetables soup or vegetables juice) Favourite ingredients 
10. Do not use any whitening products(not the same as brightening) when you are using products for acne.
11.  Avoid peanut butter and peanuts or stuff you are allergic to.

I hope this will help.  I had horrible skin last time and recently my friend said that my skin has change a lot. Yeah, I hope it will continue looking great. ^^  Have a nice day and good luck ^^

Thanks for reading.
Here are few links regarding acne or acne products:

Korean 2024 acne prone skincare products VT Cosmetics Reedle 100
What is your skin profile?
10 types of acne treatment for acne prone skin
Under USD25 skincare for fungal acne
7 ingredients for acne prone skin
Food that cause acne
Topical acne products
How to heal the pimples after picking
What are retinoid (tretinoin, retin A, tazaroc, adapalene and retinol) in Youtube

If all doesn't work at all, chances is it might be your hormone imbalance or in some case fungal infection and it is time to go see the dermatologist to get better advice. =) Look for a good dermatologist and not the one just wanting to drain you out of money.

Do share any tips to care for acne prone skin or get crystal clear skin with me.  Love to hear from you.

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*contains affiliates link. no additional charge on you from using my link. please help to support my blog.


My Clarks

flippy seas denim
the white is rubber and the blue outside is the suede i guess.
As for the lining i am not sure

this picture is from goggle images

I couldn't afford Jimmy Choo or Manolo Blahnik yet so for now it is Clarks.  
So, I went to shop in Midvalley because i need to buy shoes and having a voucher does really help.  It is like having discount.  

I was there too early and there was no one inside the shop yet.  Normally i wouldn't walk into Clarks but i would go into Bata that is just next to it. hahaha. > <

The Clarks shop in Midvalley is really small.  There isn't much choice compare to those Uk and US Clarks website.  I felt the shoes inside the Midvalley Clarks is slow in bringing in the new season shoes.  Those new season is already out overseas but there is only few new in shoes here.  It is hard to choose since with that price when I can usually just buy Bata  . 

I went in to check the price of the shoe and make myself shocked at the price of the shoes.  I guess i am a typical poor working class girl that i could never imagine that i will own such an expensive shoes to begin with.  I don't have deep pocket or someone that can buy for me okay?  Well, shoes that cost few hundred ringgit is expensive for me.  My most expensive shoes is just RM50 and that was Voir. > <

I just felt bad as i was checking almost every shoes inside the shops for the price.  Actually i have no idea what i want.  I was thinking of heels but then i can't wear heels all the time since i easily have back ache when i wear heels everyday.  So to be more practical i wanted some sandals but some of the sandals are ugly for me.  I wanted to buy the Carla Rosheen and then I saw this Flippy seas Denim.  In the end i choose this Flippy seas Denim cause it is cute and practical for walking purposes.  Flippy seas is already an out season shoes since i couldn't find it in the Clarks website at all.  Anyway, I am asking a lot from this shoes. 
> <

My normally 35 1/2 European size is now size 3 for UK.
Service was okay.  Just that i don't look rich and I came alone.  They got to check my IC to verify that i am the owner of the voucher.  On the way when i was taking the train back, a woman asked me if there is sales for Clarks.  hahaha  I guess i do looked like a school student trying to act rich.

I wore it the next day and it is comfortable.  I wonder what will happen after this since I spoil my own feet with comfortable shoes.  I better start keeping some money aside for shoes.  I got dinosaur legs since i walked hard and that is why my shoes spoil very fast.  If Clarks can last me for a long time, I will definitely return and be loyal. ^ ^ I promise.

When I brought it back, my mum said it is super ugly?  I thought I have a bit sense of fashion 
 or maybe my mum is from a total different world.  Or she is jealous that i didn't buy for her?
I felt upset about it.

What do think of it?  Have you recently bought shoes? What is your favourite shoe brands?

Flippy Seas Denim cost RM269
Carla Rosheen cost RM235

It is not a sponsored review.  I bought this with my money

Saturday, March 23, 2013


According to the Kinerase website, the eye cream contained the highest 0.125% Kinetin and it is the highest kitenin which targets fine and wrinkles.  i decided to try the eye cream as i really have very bad case of baggy eye bags.  i really hope that this will work on me.  I don't want any surgery yet > <.  Last year i got a serious case of allergy after using an eye cream (better not to mention what it is).  I hope this will not cause me an allergy since it is a dermatologist product.

Before:  Look at those eye bags!  I looked 10 years older.

I was quite surprise after using it for a week.  i really does help although it does not get rid of it totally!

after 1 week:  Wow! really reduce!  No editing of photo!

Overall, i think i really like the eye cream for now.  i asked my colleague and she said she can see that the eye bags is not so obvious.  I am so happy!  Finally, after 10 years!  Unless i can find something better, i will be using this eye cream for the time.

Sorry for the ugly photos.  My skin is terrible and everyone knows i got really sensitive skin.

Is there a eye cream you love or rave about ?  Do share with me! i am still on the quest for the eye cream.^^

eye cream is from a sample set that i won from Kinerase Asia.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


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this is for blogspot, I'm not sure how wordpress works

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a camera lucky draw at the end of the campaign for a lucky blogger!

The campaign has started! You can join via the Butterfly Project's Facebookpage or go to Plus Size Kitten blog. A few clicks and you're in! The campaign will end on 31/3 and MrLens will not accept anymore participation. After the campaign you'll be given a redemption code to pick your preferred Freshlook Colorblends contact lenses on and it'll be delivered to you free in the Klang Valley! for outstation you'll need to pay RM6 (WM) and RM10 (EW) to have the boxes delivered to you. Camera lucky draw to follow.

Friday, March 15, 2013


i got this samples from Only beauty-a portal where they deliver free samples to your doorstep.^^

This is a cleanser for oily, blemish prone skin.  It is from Avene Cleanance range which are for oily and acne prone skin.  If your skin is dry but acne prone, then you would have to use another range.  Do visit their Facebook for assistance.

The liquid is green colour and clear.  There is a very lovely smell of fresh soap.  I love this very much as the first ingredient is Avene Thermal spring and it really help to clear off my my pimples without making my skin dry or taut.  

My skin heal faster too as there is lactic acid to exfoliate the skin and avoid the pores from getting clogged up.  Exfoliation is important to have glowing skin but not over exfoliation.  Since acne prone skin like mine doesn't suit any sort of scrub, i can just use this cleanser to do the 2 in 1 thing. Exfoliate and clean!  Isn't that awesome for a lazy bum like me?  i just can't bear the time to apply six thing on my face everyday.  However, i want a smooth skin.  So, this is just great for me ^^.  

However, if the skin is dry, do not use this.  I used this cleanser before and this is another cleanser that i will always use especially when i break out or having sensitive skin.  i can't think of another reason that i do not like it.

Some people reported that their skin is clear without any breakout after using the Cleanance range.  So, try this range out if you have acne prone skin like mine.  It works for me ^ ^.

50ml samples from onlybeauty

Thursday, March 14, 2013


This is differin adapalene for acne prone skin.  My friend introduce this to me by accident.  This is my pimples gel when my whole face was seriously full with erupting volcano.  I feel very low in confidence because of my acne prone skin and yeah, i am not even good loooking......  The thing about using this is that only use a pea size and at night.  Using too much can make the skin really dry, red and irritated.  So only a pea size and only use at night!  Make sure that skin is really dry after cleansing the face with a gentle cleanser.  Some cleanser will irritate it.

Well, it work but have to be really patient about it.  My skin purge the second week i was using it.  Literary the same place where i pop my pimples before.  There are more pimples than it already was.  However, the third week i was in, the skin got better.  However, the worser your skin is, the longer the duration to make all the pimples disappear.  Some use it along with antibiotic.

This is definitely a keeper for me as i couldn't afford clarisonic yet. > <  In Malaysia there is only the 0.1% .  i couldn't find any 0.3% version of Differin.

Do not use this if you are pregnant as this may cause birth defect.  Differin is made in France.

You use Differin like you are using tretinoin.  Make sure the skin is really dry after cleansing.  Then, apply only a pea size of the differin for the whole face. Wait for 30 minutes before applying moisturiser to avoid dryness.  Start slow and trying using differin every 3 days for the first two weeks. Then, if you don't have any dryness or peeling, change it to every two days.  Remember to only use differin at night or else you will burn yourself into lobster.  Use a sunscreen during the day and avoid the sun.

Do not use it the same time as BHA or AHA.

Any of you had tried this before?  What do you think of this.

Not sponsored.  I bought this. RM27 for 15g at a pharmacy.


This is a suppose to be a cult product.  Well, when it is a cult product, you will wondering whether does it work?  Well, i was skeptical at first and wondering if it just something like the Bio oil or the Palmer therapy oil.

Well, I say this is a good product to have as it is really multi-purpose.  It make my skin soft and it is definitely not oily or greasy at all because it is a dry oil.  So it is different compare to the common oil.  Huile Prodiguise   just disappeared from the skin after application making the skin really soft.  The Huile Prodiguise Or gives glow for those that want shimmer without looking like a disco ball.

So far, it doesn't give me any breakout even when my skin is sensitive and acne prone.  I break out when using hada labo(my skin is that bad).i will definitely come back to this product when i finish this soon.  I find that i love the smell but you can't use it as perfume cause the smell disappeared after an hour on me.  It smell of jasmine flower.  If you hate the smell of jasmine, you will probably hate this.Talk about the versatility, i used it on my face as moisturiser, on the edge of my hair, face primer, body lotion, hand lotion and even cuticle oil.  Incase if you are wondering, it is made with six precious plant oils and vitamin E.  The 100ml comes with a spray.

Well, it is a product worth investing at since it is good for my skin and i don't need to look further to bring everything when i travel.  I am a light traveller and i dislike bringing heap and heap of things when going travelling.

Feel free to leave a comment or question pertaining this product.  I will try the best to help you.

The bottle comes in a glass and it look luxury enough.  Nuxe is available in Sasa Malaysia.

So have you tried this products before?  What do you think of it?

This is not a sponsored review.
Product is courtesy from Clare Victoria Eastwood.



   I prefer those that are like water such as Bioderma or Avene make up remover to clean my whole face rather than cleaning oil.  I guess because I do not the oily feeling on my face.  This remove the make-up on the eyes and so I use it to remove foundation from my skin as well.  Overall, you have to shake it first until the oil and the water mix together before you can pour on cotton pad and just swipe on them.  I guess it is the budget version of cleansing water.  Overall, it does remove even my most stubborn mascara without much effort.  This  will be my number three cleansing make-up remover.  I prefer to just use one type of make-up remover for the whole face because am a lazy bum.

It is made in Japan.  So i guess it should be good.
130ml for RM 29.90

This is a free samples. 18ml

Saturday, March 2, 2013


This is seriously the best makeup remover i had use before.  Too bad it is not available in Malaysia and you will either have to source from Online or from neighbouring country, Singapore.  I love it as it remove all the seriously thick makeup or even waterproof makeup effortlessness.  I was shocked when my friend told me that she do not use makeup remover to remover her makeup.  Lucky she have good skin.  I will definitely get clogged pores and pimples if don't do double cleansing or use makeup remover like this.  This is good as it is fragrance free and gentle to the sensitive skin.
if you are so busy, you can just pour some Bioderma Sensibio and wipe off all your face and Viola, a total clean face and can doze of to bed immediately.  ^^

I do not own this picture.  The photos are taken from Bioderma official website.

Have a great day =)