Monday, February 16, 2015


Hi beauties,


I wanted to write about this for some time. Since I have the time now, it would be better for me to share my views.

Depending on people, some people prefer to spend on skincare products for a smooth canvas for their makeup while some prefer to use makeup to cover up all their skin problems. Most people think that having makeup is important but it is not an excuse to neglect the skincare part.

Here is my opinion on why it is important to invest in a proper skincare routine and really put effort into choosing skincare products rather than getting the latest limited edition cosmetics.

You do not want to scare the daylight out of the husband or boyfriend-I think some might think that the husband might not mind it but most men want to see girl's bare face. The huge differences can scare men away and the reason why some men like to say 'natural beauty'.

Neglecting your skincare can age your skin- I mean who wants to look older than their real age? Using a lot of makeup and not bothering about skincare can lead to clogged pores, pigmentation, acne and wrinkles in the long run. Of course makeup can temporarily cover that problem but it won’t help the skin in the long run so there is a need to use different targeted products to help combat the sign or aging and other skin problems. Even makeup can’t cover up wrinkles.

Skincare can save you lot of money- Using the proper skincare products can save you a lot of money, time and tears in the long run. You won’t be having low confidence, having to try so many products and to pay a lot of money to ‘fix’ your skin problem. At least you would feel happier looking into the mirror without those wrinkles or acne staring right at your face.

Makeup is to enhance your looks not cover everything- Makeup is not to cover all the flaws but it is suppose to enhance the features so having a good skin makes most makeup products work easier on your skin. It is also very much easier to choose products on less troublesome skin than to use so many concealer and whole lot of other products to cover oozing acne skin.

So overall, I think investing in using proper skincare products is more important than buying lots of makeup product because to tell you the truth I am just one lazy bum and rather go out bare face than having to put on layers of foundation before I am able to go out. It is always best to start having a proper skincare routine before problems start to arise. Most people start using makeup early but then do not have a proper skincare routine thus the skin problems later.

It does not mean using the whole lot of 20 products but a simple skincare routine such as cleanser, moisturizer, serum and sunblock are really important to save the trouble later in life. You could read Here on how to get flawless skin.

What do you think? Do you prefer to spend on skincare products or makeup?

The opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.
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Have a great day =)