Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanks to and The Butterfly Project collaboration for 'Make A Wish' Chapter to grant wishes of lucky butterflies.

Christmas poem from me =)

It is been very long since I made any wishes from Santa because..... Well, read the letter below and you will probably know why... So here it goes:

1     , 2    , 3    ....

click on the photos for bigger pictures

So, here I am deciding to put up the picture of my wish and hopefully Santa Hermo would grant it. =)

Zamian Gold Cacao Mask 150g, RM69.90.  It is the Top Selling in Korea 2007-2008 Korea Award. Reduce Pimple,blackhead,whitening,oil control.  The before and after result is so amazing that I 'WISH' to have this products.

Contain 99.9 gold powder,aloe extract, cacao powder, collagen which produce hydrating and whitening effect.Act as deep cleansing which can reduce pimple/acne, blackheads and tighten pore , eliminate appearance of line and wrinkles.
What are the benefits of Korea Gold Cacao Mask ?
1) Shrink pores
2) Restore skin elasticity
3) Heal acne skin
4) Brighten dull looking skin (whitening)
5) Heal acne skin
6) Controls excessive oil formation
7) Soothe and maintains PH level of skin
8) Anti-ageing
9) Moisture, repair & regenerate new skin.
10) Suitable for all skin types especially acne, pimple, dull looking & stressful skin. This applies to all ages and gender

Here is the direct link to the product.

Here is how you can join this contest too =)
25 November - 14 December : Create a Wish List on you Blog
17 November - 24 December : Await for Santa Hermo to grant your wish!

1. Browse through and make a wish list worth up to RM80 on any products you would love to have.
2. You can choose to combine or highlight just 1 item ( up to RM80)
3. Do a blog entry and do not forget to link your post to the product page.
4.  Lastly, wait for Santa Hermo to drop by your blog and grant the wishes of lucky butterflies!
For more information, please visit

Have a great day =)