Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Thanks to Ma Cherie Malaysia, i got samples to try.  The one i applied for is the Air feel.  i have oily scalp that gets oily fast.  Yeah, my hair will become totally flat that stick to my scalp and when it is oily and of course it is horrible > <  .  Ma Cherie is by Shiseido.

Even the samples for this packaging is so pretty!

This is the Air feel packet shampoo.

This is the Air feel conditioner packet. Pretty right?

This is how the shampoo look like.  Clear pink and smell flowery.
It is comfortable as it smell great and it does formed enough foam for the hair.

The Air feel conditioner is white and smell of cherry.  Quite thick but not sticky
Smell sweet.

Before: Looked at how at my flat hair is!

After:This is my hair after shampoo and conditioner.

Overall, my hair became really airy after using the shampoo and conditioner.  The shampoo had made my hair feel really airy and my hair was not as flat as before.  Sorry for the picture as I really need a hair cut after this as i am starting to look like Tarzan.  Yeah long unruly hair.  

i Love the flowery smell but the only thing was the conditioner smell too strong at first but after washing the conditioner off, the smell was just perfect.  Not too strong.

I love this shampoo and would get it in the future when i finish my other shampoo.

It is available in Aeon Wellness Mahkota Cheras Selatan and Guardian, Midvalley. Do let me know if you spot that it is available already.

Thanks for reading ^^ .

Product is sample from Ma Cherie Malaysia

Have a great day =)