Tuesday, April 9, 2013


BIG APPLAUSE *clap clap* to Butterfly Project-Beauty Bloggers with collaboration between Bag of Love & Delectable Su for April's project!

Look at this delicious cakes !  Who do not want to be surrounded with all these cute and salivating dessert!  I immediately raise my hand that i want to be there!!!

Oops, almost out of my mind just thinking about Bag of Love + Delectable Su.  The combination of beauty and also food!  Yeah, i am weak when i see food and beauty products.  Even when my mum said that i can't help myself when i see skincare products and food.  Never ask me to go on diet cause i would definitely choose food over size!!

I want to review the April Bag of Love! How much?  Just like how much i love food!  If i get to choose between my size and Bag of Love! i am willing to be fat! *please please*



YEAH,  Bag of Love won!  Bag of Love is full of so many fantastic products and definitely no so much of teeny weeny kind of sachets samples that is really worth the money for just a mere RM39.90 per month!  The bag itself is so pretty and practical.  Oh, i want review Bag of Love.

I really wanted to go to the Unboxing tea party so badly but the world just want to crush my dream.  i was told i got to work on every Saturday this month????

Why ME?  *wanting to cry*  I was practically jumping up and down even at the slightest Prospect of getting an invitation(i know i am dreaming) when i was told by my colleagues that we got to work every Saturday until the end of next month! T_T

Then, i saw that there will 20 bloggers that will be selected to review without going to the party!  Yeah!  I just hope that i will one of those lucky bloggers.(continue my sweet dream and hope it will come true).  Kind Fairy Godmother, please make my dream come true!

I am a Cinderella in this miserable place where i couldn't even get any proper skincare, clothes and shoes.  Nobody believe that I am in a place where i don't see Kate, Avene or even Kanebo.  The brand can only appear inside my dream.

Waiting for my Prince Charming to sweep me off from this place??? IF he manage to find my glass shoes. T_T

Please Bag of Love, can you make my simple dream to review your Fabulous Bag come true?  I am a poor miserable Cinderella that are unable to get even proper skincare and clothes.  I need those to look beautiful and pretty.  T_T I am desperate and working on every Saturday make me even more unhappy.


Thanks for visiting. ^^ Be happy and pray for my dreams to come true (so greedy).

Have a great day =)