Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Do you love a free website that you can redeem beauty products from writing reviews?  We finally have one in Malaysia now after waiting for so many years!  You can check my review HERE


Muffin.my is officially launched! Introducing you Muffin.my, the first unbiased beauty review community in Malaysia, where we encourage members to share their beauty

experiences by writing reviews and earn points. From the points that they earned, they can redeem beauty products from our redemption catalog. Having more than 500 brands and 23,000 products in product library, Muffin.my connects beauty users with brands and products.

The Founder

The founder of Muffin.my, Ms Florence Chee shared h er story of the start up of the beauty community website. “Back in 2011, I was pursuing my professional degree in Manchester United. I was searching for beauty product review online and I found there was great information and reviews being shared in one of the top beauty review websites in the states, but I couldn’t find such website back in Malaysia. This is where I want to set up a one stop beauty review community in Malaysia,” she explained.

With a team of energetic and motivated staff (1 founder, 1 developer, 1 designer, 2 web administrator, & 1 PR manager), Florence tends to hand out to those who are in passion in beauty, skincare, and makeup products, to meet all their honest reviews on the products they are using. Florence described Muffin.my as a similar version of TripAdvisor website, but with more interactive elements. “We ensure all reviews are genuine and unbiased to ensure quality inspections,” explained Florence. After working in a web consulting firm for a year, she realized that working life isn’t her real goal. “Just as what Steve Jobs quoted “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”. I want to make my dream come true, and my dream is to create the largest beauty review

community.” “A lot of people asked me why use ‘muffin’ word for my website. I wanted to create a simple name where people will remember the websiteeasily. The word ‘muffin’ just popped out in my mind and the next day, I tried to register the domain, and volla, it is valid! So immediately, I registered my website www.muffin.my . However, many people thought that we are selling muffins!” laughed Florence. With 6 years of experience in internet retailing and marketing, Florence hopes that Muffin.my will reach

100,000 members in 1 year time. Currently, 92% of our members are women; with most of them are 19-29 years old.

Skin care was one of the most dynamic categories in Malaysian beauty and personal care, and with RM1.6 billion being spent annually by Malaysia, the vision to be one of the largest www.muffin.my


Future Plan

Our next step is to create a mobile-friendly app version, to allow people access to our website easily at anytime, anywhere. Our future plan is to create beauty forum, help beauty merchants to conduct online surveys or marketing research, mystery shoppers and who knows? Maybe we will sell beauty products in the future!

Press release. For more information, please visit Muffin website.  You can find them at Muffin Instagram

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Have a great day =)