Sunday, October 6, 2013


We do know about the benefits of using sunscreen until I came upon an article discussing about the danger of using chemical sunscreen in your life. I was quite shocked to read it saying that using chemical sunscreen is one of the reason people gets cancer as the toxic gets absorb into the body. Sometimes, there are so many mix reviews until we do not who to believe. I have compiled some of myth about sunscreen and my views on it.

Myth 1: Chemical Sunscreen Cause Cancer
No, it is not true. It is not like the chemical inside the sunscreen get absorb into our skin all the time. The particle of the sunscreen is way too big to be absorbed into the skin. Well, there are some pills that can be use as sunscreen but for those applied sunscreen, it is not possible to get absorb into the skin. Do we actually feel the taste of the sunscreen we applied on our skin after 30minutes? Well, I don’t know about you but don’t taste anything.  I have been using chemical sunscreen for more than 16 years so i wonder if that is true.

As for those natural sunscreen, normally they would not contain as much as UVA and UVB blocker as in chemical sunscreen. Besides, how sure you are of how natural they are unless you grow them behind your garden and mix the ingredients yourself.

For me, natural and chemical sunscreen are quite the same as long as they are effective enough to prevent the skin from burning.

Myth 2: Wear Sunscreen Even Indoor

Gosh, I don’t wear sunscreen indoor as I don’t get burn or any darker unless you are always sitting next to the window where you get direct sunlight. Sunscreen cause me clogged pores so I don’t wear them unless I need to when I go outside. It is really frustrating when I don’t want any dark spots but do not want clogged pores.

A friend told me that her dermatologist told her to only wear it at the cheek and also nose area as that area is more prone to get dark spots. We don’t get dark spot at our forehead. I find that is true.

I do wear sunscreen with 130 pa+++ only when I go swimming at the sea for 5hours as the salty water plus the sunlight is really burning my skin. For that, I applied on the whole face and everywhere on my body 30minutes before I go into the water. I don’t reapply though as I would look like an idiot waiting for another 30minutes before going into the water again.

Myth 3: Sunscreen Clogged Pores

This is actually true for my acne prone skin. I find that sunscreen do blocked the pores and cause acne especially for acne prone skin. It is even worse if you like wearing layer after layer of skincare and makeup.

That is why sunscreen should be removed at night or else you will get clogged pores and worse acne forming on your face. Well, if you don’t wear sunscreen, your skin will create a lot of sebum and cause acne too.

So, choosing and using the suitable sunscreen for your face is important. I learn it the hard way so that is why I am sharing it here. Not everyone have clear skin all the time so do I.

Myth 4: All Sunscreen are The Same

Actually, there are many differences in the ingredients inside the sunscreen. Some sunscreen contains physical blocker such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. There is usually a white cast when wearing them. Besides, one also has to wear it 30minutes earlier to be effective. Once, I only wear the sunscreen using physical blocker on the spot and it make me burned even though I was wearing sunscreen.

Other chemical such as Meroxyl SX, helioplex and avobenzone also work differently to block the UVA and UVB. It is stable and doesn’t break down easily too and doesn’t clog the pores as much.

About which one works better, it is still a question of debate. Some said that it is physical sunscreen and some said it is chemical sunscreen.

Myth 5: The high the SPF and PA, the better

Not really. Choose a sunscreen with wide broad spectrum and suitable for your purpose. There is no point using high SPF and PA when you are just staying indoor most of the time as those ingredients stay on top of the skin and cause clogged pores.

So, choose one suitable for the skin and apply enough for the cheek area.

I don’t usually use sunscreen on my leg as I find that long thick jeans are better at blocking the harmful ray than sunscreen. Clothing is an amazing UVA and UVB blocker =). Maybe now, you would start thinking of wearing cover up clothes.

Myth 6: I don’t need sunscreen because my makeup contain Sunscreen

This is a myth most people know that is not true. Unless the makeup doesn’t slick off your face and they are really opaque, chance it would not be enough.

Myth 7: Sunscreen will make my dark spot and pigmentation disappeared

Normally, many would not wear sunscreen until the day they see dark spot starts appearing on the skin. Then, normally they will ask for sunscreen that will make the dark spot disappear or at least get rid of it.

No, sunscreen doesn’t get rid of dark spot. This is a wrong preconception that sunscreen will make your dark spot disappear. Sunscreen will only prevent dark spot from appearing but does not get rid of it. If using sunscreen will make the dark spot disappear, what is the purpose of laser and ingredients such as Vitamin C, hydroquinone or retinol?

So, there would still be in need of using skincare products that contain brightening products to lighten the dark spot.

I hope that my view on this is helpful =).  I am believer in using sunscreen but not 24hours and 7 days all the time.  Moderation is the key to using sunscreen correctly =).

I am not really a dermatologist or doctor. Most of the myth here are base on my personal experience and view on it. The opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

Have a great day =)