Wednesday, August 8, 2012


1. Use soap on the face.  This worsen the condition.  One should only use soap below the neck. ONLY BUY the facial wash that is SOAP-FREE.

2. Did not take out waterproof sunblock using makeup remover.  It had clogged my pores slowly without me realizing.

3. Under the sun without sunblock.  It caused my fair skin to break out.

4. Simply apply products meant for the skin allergy.  Later, I know that steroid in allergy creams had cause my skin to be thinner, not curing the acne and make me more sensitive to sun.

5. Too much of moisturizer can cause clog pores.  Sometimes, being greedy and hoping it will work well will end up in disaster.  Just using about 20 cent of a size is enough for the whole face.

6. Popping acne will cause more to appear.  Use pimples gel to get rid of it.  You can go here for the OTC pimples gel products which I find more useful than some expensive products.


Don’t use products for acne skin if you already have nice skin

If you do not have acne or just one or two, don’t try to use products meant for acne skin especially those herbal ones cause it may cause you to have terrible out break out.

Using too many Over-the-Counter products

-do not keep trying products and products to get cure for the skin.  It takes time to get rid of acne.

Do not use whitening products

-don’t try to use whitening products to cure the acne scars if you still have erupting pimples as it will worsen your condition

Do not go for facial just to get temporary fix

-it does not work for me over the long term as spending too much of money for facial is ridiculous for my tight budget.

Do not use anything with kiwi in it

-I realize that using facial wash with kiwi make my acne worse

Do not use Benzoyl peroxide ALONE
-what I realize was over the years that benzoyl peroxide is only a drying agent and can’t kill the can bacteria fast enough.  So, it won’t work if you are just using it alone.  Benzoyl peroxide will just dry your skin and make more pimples.  Dry skin and sensitive skin will cause more pimples.

Triclosan does not work for acne

Triclosan doesn’t help with acne.  Besides, you will wash the cleanser properties off your face, so it doesn’t help.

Not everyone is suitable for herbal products
-Not everyone suits herbal products.  Some herbal products are stronger than those chemical skin care products.  Some people couldn’t tolerate certain ingredients in the herbal products so it might worsen the acne.

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My skin the past:

-full with blackheads


-acne scars

-box scars

-pigmentation on my cheeks

-huge, small pimples all over my face even on my hairline

My Skin now:

-haven’t achieve the porcelain skin.  However, it is just much better than “my skin in the past”.  I was switching from one product to another hoping for miraculous cure for my acne-prone skin.  Due to this and using too many products, my skin became sensitive as well.  Hoping with my new regime, my skin will achieve better skin.

Have a great day =)