Friday, March 24, 2023


Hi beautiful,

Get to know more about Korea with Korean traditional health drink that also help with skin, Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix .

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix

Omija cha or magnolia berry tea is a traditional Korean tea made from dried magnolia berriess.  It is called Omija in Korean.  Omija means "five flavors", which are sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and spicy. 

Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
OMIJA Berry - special berry from Korea that give 5 different flavors⁣
(Sweet, Sour, Salty, Spicy & Bitterness)⁣

✔️ Strengthen kidney function⁣
✔️ Boost metabolism & immune system⁣
✔️ Improve blood circulation⁣

How to enjoy it:
Yellow package (SWEET)
> Component : OMIJA + Apple + Cinnamon Extract
> Best when: Mixed with party drink or yogurt and salad dressing
> For stronger booze such as vodka, pour 1/2 pouch on a glass of vodka, mix well

Red package (SOUR) (PLAIN)
> Component : Pure OMIJA Extract
> Best when : Mixed with party drink or Carbonated water.
1 glass of Soju(Korean vodka) from the bottle and add one packet.

Black package (SPICY)
>Component :OMIJA + Red Pepper + Black Pepper
> Best when you  are stressed
Mix with party drink and enjoy with SPICY food to double the spiciness!

Here is my simple drink recipe for summer. Refreshing&cooling for summer.
1. Pour slushies into cold glass.
2. Pour half packet of Sweet Dream Omija Yellow package (SWEET).
3. Enjoy it with adding more ice.

Packaging: There are 6 liquid packets inside.  I do like the holographic box.  The details are in Hangul(Korean language).
Review: It is easy to mix the Omija liquid with other drinks.  Just ice and cold water will also make a  great drink.  I find that the taste and scent very unique.  It is unlike any fruits that I had before.  It is a traditional Korean drink that is tasty and also good for health. I do enjoy this health drink as it does help with digestion and skin looks better the next day. The SWEET flavour is sweeter but not those sugary  sweet than the other two version so it is my favourite.
Overall: Omija Korean drink is really unique in flavour and good for health.

Product retails for 
Dream Drinker Omija (Five Flavor Berry) Vodka Mix
Made in Korea

For more information, please visit official website. Product is sent to make this video by 0.8L Malaysia and Dreamdrinker Korea Instagram . However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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Have a great day =)