I like to use the aspirin mask when I have breakouts. Aspirin is actually also known as acetylsalicylic acid turned into salicylic acid when mixed with water. However, recently all the Dispirin which is also aspirin is all out of stocks. Everywhere I went, it is all out of stocks =( . So, I have no choice and bought this Bayer Aspirin instead. It should be the same since it is Aspirin. My mum thought that I wanted to commit suicide by buying such a huge packet of medicine. I have to explain to her that it is medicine for my face and not for consumption purposes =P.
For many people who always have clogged pores and acne, this is definitely a saviour. The Bayer Aspirin tablet is actually bigger than Dispirin so the quantity needed for a face mask is also lesser. I have to use 2 tablets if i am using Dispirin but will only need 1 table for Bayer aspirin.
However, the Bayer Aspirin seems to produce beads that is actually larger than Dispirin. Both will give me the same effect on my skin so that is really fine if i couldn't have Dispirin anymore.
I tend to use Aspirin in two ways- with water or mix it with Aloe vera. Don't worry about using it with Aloe Vera unless aloe vera make you feel itchy. I am using about one tablet spoon of Fruit of Earth aloe vera to mix it with one tablet of Bayer Aspirin. The result is more cooling and there would not be flakes forming on the skin fast.
Using with water would be drying on the skin but it works too fine too if you got oily skin=) .
If you are out of Panadol for headaches, you can use this Bayer Aspirin too but make sure your stomach is not empty since it is acidic. Besides, make sure you are not below 16 years to consume this medicine. Only use it for external use if possible.
Products retails at Rm11.90 per box (3X8tablets) at pharmacies.
This is not sponsored. I bought it. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.
You can check out this post for how I make aspirin mask with water.