Friday, June 21, 2013


Every time i go into Watson, i always wanted to buy the Blemish Mud but is always sold out.  I have acne prone skin and preventing is of course important.  After all no one like breakouts.  I guessed it must be really good.

Last month, i joined in their facebook page and requested for their Blemish Mud Mask.  When they sent me an email telling that the mask in on way, i was waiting anxiously for it to arrive.  Of course i can't wait to try it out and review on it. ^^  There is even instruction on behind the 5g sample packet on how to apply and even picture to go along.

I thought that the mask is going to be green which someone will said i become 'mask rider' but it is actually greyish white.  It smell herbal, something like tree barks and tree leaves to me and it is soothing to my senses.  The first ingredient is Aqua and the second is Kaolin(natural clay).  The clay smooth is smooth and really easy to apply and also wash off.  I would say that it does it job of cleansing as my face really feel clean after using the mask.    I would say that it is really good for the price.  If i am not mistaken, it is lesser than Rm10 per packet and as effective as the more expensive mask available mask in Watsons.

Sorry, i know i don't look good.

When you look at the photo, my face was still red before.  The mud calm the redness down.  Besides, the also clean the face after just one application.  I would say this Blemish Mud is effective and improved my skin tone which is true.  It doesn't dried up my skin and i feel refresh after i wash off the mask.  I would definitely purchase this but Blemish Mask is always sold out * upset*.  Now, i know why it is always sold out.  =(  It is really good and cheap for the price.

MONTAGNE JEUNESSE masks are made in USA.

i got the 5ml sample from their sample event in Facebook.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

Updated: RM5.90 for a 10ml packet.  Once packet for a few usage.  You find them in Watsons, Guardian and also Caring Pharmancy.

For more information, please visit Montagne Jeunesse facebook fan page

Have a great day =)