Monday, June 17, 2013


Re-Gen Oil contains PCL liquid to help skin regeneration as well as essential ingredients including Vitamin A and E, lavendar, Calendula, Chamomile and Rosemary Oils.

I was very curious every time i passed by and see Re-Gen oil on the shelves inside Watsons.  Well, the appearance does look like the duplicate of Bio-Oil and of course i would wonder about the results.  Yeah, since Bio -Oil was a rave among my friends, i wanted to try this too.

The products help to minimize and provide solution for stretch marks, scars, dry skin and blemishes.  I applied it on my face and legs as often as possible ^^.  It smell soothing like rosemary but not strong.  The oil is very watery and not thick at all.  Comparing it to Bio -Oil and Palmer, i would say that Re-Gen oil is the one with very light thick texture.  It is something like water except that it is oil.

My face skin doesn't seem to absorb the oil like a sponge. > <  Wrong move.  On the other hand, my body loves it.  My hands and legs are dry since i don't care about them much at all.  I will just bath with whatever body wash and not apply anything after that.  To my surprise, my legs sucked it up fast and my skin turned smooth.

It is very moisturising for the skin after swimming.  It helps to prevent those dry patches on the skin.  Here is the picture of the scars which was bothering me as it does not disappear by itself  like i hope it would be.  It was there for few weeks after i got allergic caused by using the wrong body shampoo.  My gosh, it sound like i am always having allergic.  I thought that i am having special genes and do not have any skin allergic like the rest of my family but it turns out i am just the same T_T .


So, you can notice that the scars disappeared faster comparing to just leaving it to heal on its on.
The oil is really long lasting.  Even one packet of 3ml can last me few applications on my limbs and body.

Made in England

RM29.90 for 75ml. Products are available at Watsons and all leading independent pharmacies in Malaysia.

Products are sponsored by DKSH.   However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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Have a great day =)