Friday, March 22, 2024


Hi beautiful,

I finally got braces in my 30s and here is my teeth braces journey in Malaysia.  

If you are wondering the reasons, it is because of the price, the need to travel for the braces and I finally give in to societal pressure of beauty and health reason.

Here are the Q&A that I got when people see that I have adult braces.

I've got self ligating braces or speed brackets or Damon braces.

What is the price of braces?
Price in RM .  Ringgit Malaysia (Malaysia's money currency)

Some people has insurance that covers orthodontist so check with your insurance provider.

If you are under 18years old, you can get it with the government .  See a dentist in the public hospital and get referred.  You usually have to wait for 1-3years.

Some universities or military clinics also offers braces.

Standard braces
The cheapest braces at private is RM5k- RM12k for standard braces.
Clinics will have payment plans so do ask.

Initial payment of RM400 to RM4k
Subsequent payment of RM150 above

Self ligating braces cost RM7k to RM12k.

The price of braces doesn't include extra apparatus, teeth mold, retainer, ortho kits, teeth extraction, x-rays, medicine of painkiller/antibiotics, other teeth treatments (filling, scaling, polishing, rubber bands, etc).  
If you loose or break your brackets then you need to pay for it.

So asked about it in your consultation.

I have chosen self ligating braces because it is faster than standard braces and easier for cleaning.  Of course it is more expensive.  Also, unlike the standard braces that you will do teeth extraction before you begin, teeth extraction comes later for self ligating braces.  Make sure your orthodontist is within reach because anything can happen with self ligating braces.

What was in my first consultation?
If you are going to pay a lot for braces, it is good to see a few before committing to it.
You walked and asked for the price but don't accept the first one you met.
Just say goodbye to them if they tell you to sign up that day itself.
They should also answer all your dental questions in the process of teeth-checking.  You'll will also know the amount of tooth extraction, dental treatments price, and the estimated duration of your braces.
How long it will take is just the orthodontist (educated guess). They will usually tell you it's 18-24months.

Does braces hurt?
Some lucky people said they experience zero pain but that's not me.

Some orthodontist tend to do major adjustment for adult as we ain't want to be on braces longer than necessary.
Sometimes, minimal adjustment for children as no one wants their kids to complain about hurting.

For shorter duration of time in braces you trade in with some form of pain.  Just remember you are moving your teeth through bones.

It is more uncomfortable, painful and you just feel like giving up in the beginning of the journey.  It will go away once you have adjusted to braces in about 3 months.

Whole mouth feels tight with some muscles soreness (the kind you have been exercising extra hard.) after adjustment.

Some of the other painful things will be power chain, ulcers, cuts, wires poking inside your mouth throughout your treatment and unable to close their mouth from that bite block.  If you are young, palate expander hurt

Try soft food unless you are masochist who loves pain and nagging from your orthodontist.  I can't even bite the potato chips.

So, don't give up!

Do I need teeth extraction?
Not everyone but but mostly do.  
I had 3 teeth extraction more because of crowded teeth.
Your orthodontist will review your teeth at each apointment and inform you about the process.

Don't insist on not removing crowded teeth because it can harm your bite.  There are some cases that slight flaring can be treated with IPR but not all.

What must have for braces?
The elite rich gets water pick, electric toothbrush and antiseptic mouthwash.  

Commoners like me just made do with simple toothbrush, toothpaste and salt water.

Also carry your interdental brushes, dental wax, floss pick&mirror because food get stuck.
Don't forget your dental wax on the metal brackets to reduce the pain from pesky ulcer. 
Orthodots is better I heard.
Gishy Goo that stays in place for hours that won't come off.
Silicone cover to cover the brackets.


How long does braces treatment take?
Actually, it is your orthodontist educated guess by looking at the initial condition of your teeth. They will usually tell you its 2-3 years. 
Adult teeth tend to move slower but then it also depends on how much needs to be done on your teeth.  Some teeth are like stubborn teenager that refuse to budge so it will take longer.

So, don't miss your appointment with your orthodontist and together your teeth will transform with that smile soon be a reality.

Problems I didn't know exist before my self ligating braces

I have those speed brackets braces but I actually had to see my orthodontist way more often in the beginning.  In one of the months, I actually seen my orthodontist 5times 😅 .

My bracket came off even when I was just eating porridge so I just go F you and I am going to eat whatever I want.

I had potato chips, guava&chicken feets but most of the time it didn't come off.  

Sometimes the top archwire lengthen too much and keep poking me giving me huge ulcers. 

I seem to be riding rollercoaster with unexpected twist and turn.

Eat soft food for days you can't really eat and cut everything into small pieces.

Overall: Path to a perfect smile may have a few bumps along the way, but it'll be worth it in the end.

Not a paid post or sponsored.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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Have a great day =)