Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Hi beautifuls,

I caved and bought the 🌹Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy after seeing it in one of the malls and I need candies.  This is a candy that is good for your skin and body scent. Basically, an edible deodorant.

I am always amazed at how thoughtful some companies put into products.  This Japanese candies make deodorant unnecessary and it doesn't cause breakouts.

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy
Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy
Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy
Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy
Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy
Sugar, dextrin, vegetable oil, reduced syrup, gelatin, starch / sorbitol, acidulant, vitamin C, thickening agent (gum arabic), Perfume, emulsifier, coloring matter (anthocyanin, gardenia), hyaluronic acid

Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy is 32g resealable bag.  Inside there are pink colour balls candies. A low calories candies at 129 calories per bag.

As for  the ingredients. it contains gelatin so it is not for vegans or vegetarians.  Also it is produced in factories that handle milk and wheat too so it can traces of that.

It has 500 mg of collagen, 0.1 mg of hyaluronic acid and 200 mg of vitamin C in the pink candies.  Some people argue that eating collagen is useless but there are some people who has collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C shows speeding up in healing.  So, whether to believe it or not is up to you. Dextrin is actually starch from cornstarch and also is a dietary fiber which have a beneficial role in overall health.

The scent comes from damask rose oil if wonder what perfume they are using.   It is biodegradable ingredient that is safe to use and minimal human and environmental toxicity.  As for colouring they use food colouring which is Anthocyanin which is a type of flavonoid that antioxidant effects and gardenia which is a safe white food colouring.

😍Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy greeted me with sweet rose scent upon opening.  The candies are hard pink shell with the inside a soft sour candy.  Taste is sweet and then turns sourish but too strong with hint of fruity scent.  It makes my whole mouth smell of roses and my breath smell like roses.  I really enjoy this candies as it is delicious and not sweet like normal candies do.
As Kracie uses damask rose oil, it contains geraniol so eating at least 5 of it makes me smell like rose.  I normally have to use deodorant but when I was eating it basically I don't smell rancid and there is no need to use deodorant.  I do need to wait for after 30 minutes to 1 hour to notice difference in the scent of my body.  Eating one tiny colour ball won't do anything so make sure to eat about 5 balls to see effect.  The rose scent on me lasted about a day and duration varies from one person to another.

Overall Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy is really nice candies that act as deodorant which is safe for you. Calories is also low which is really nice.  If you can't carry liquid, this is a good option to smell nice and safe for your body.

Product retails for
Kracie Fuwarinka Beauty Rose Candy at the Kracie OnlineShop   1200yen (usd9.98) for 10bags
Made in Japan.
Amazon link Here

For more information, please visit official  Kracie OnlineShop website. Product is bought. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.
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Have a great day =)