Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Hi beautiful,

Looking to shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan with very affordable shipping?  Let's check out Kokoro Japan , a new online site with very afforable price for Japanese products with English.

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan
choice of exchange rate

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan
delivery time

shop Japanese products at Kokoro Japan
shipping rates

I love recommendation of Top Japanese skincare, snacks and tea that I just went mouth watering looking at them. 

The website is separated into 100best sellers, beauty, health, food&drink, shipping information and product corner.

I personally like the product corner which features articles such as Top 5 Top 5 Best Japanese Cosmetic Brands in 202030 of the Most Popular Japanese Candies in 2020! and 14 Most Popular Japanese Drinks That You Should Try in 2020!

The articles are simple, easy to understand and accompanied by nice clear photos.

Legit website
Affordable price product and shipping . (price is really low)
Good customer service 
Details about cost of shipping on every product
Great selection of products 
Good articles to help with selection of products 
Good selection of exchange rate 

There is not much details about products but they are adding more products soon.

Overall: I think it is a great website if you don't mind waiting a bit for affordable, legit products directly from Japan.  I personally love this website and will shop again.

For more information, please visit official Kokoro Japan website. Not sponsored.  I'm not paid to write this article. I got a packet of Kit Kat for review though.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always. 

Here is the website https://kokorojapanstore.com/

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