Thursday, October 29, 2020


Hi beautiful,

One of the best souvenir from Japan is their unique Nestle Kit Kat and green tea.  It is really nice to get green tea things from Japan.

Here is a review on Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea from Japan.
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea

Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea

Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea

Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea

Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea

Packaging: It has a beautiful matte packaging with green tea illustration on it.  At the packaging, one can recycle into origami bird which is really nice.  Everything is written with Japanese. There are 13mini size kit kat inside.

Ingredients:  Sorry I can't read Japanese so can't talk about what is inside this green tea Kit Kat.

Texture: It is wafer kind of biscuit.  Uji matcha green tea is used for this sweet matcha green tea.  There are 3 green tea Kit Kat varities  (Sweet Matcha Grean Tea, Matcha Green Tea, Sweet Dark Matcha Green Tea).  Sweet Matcha has light scent of green tea and there isn't any bitterness in it.  It is slightly less sweet than the one we have in Malaysia but it is still pretty good.
I am sorry for the not pretty look since it melted a bit because of my super hot weather.

Overall: I love green tea and this Nestle Kit kat mini sweet matcha green tea.  It is good to eat it with plain tea that does not contain sugar.

Product retails for 
Nestle Kit Kat Sweet Matcha Green Tea X13 mini ¥633 JPY (USD6)  at Kokoro Japan
Made in Japan

Shop Japanese Products at Kokoro Japan.  Product is sent for my consideration. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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