Sunday, May 17, 2020



Millennials can't save money because we eat avocado toast and drink USD5 coffee😂

How many of you hear that often?

review on 10cent coffee

I don't even know how avocado toast taste like. As for the USD5 coffee, I think I had like less than 10times in my 30years of living.  While the blaming goes on and on , I am here with my RM3(USD0.70) which you can drink 8times.  So the maths came out to USD0.10 coffee.  If you want to be even more cheap then make it two cups so it will just be USD0.05😂 . 

You don't even need a coffee machine and it is not an instant coffee.  However, the coffee we have in Asia is actually robusta which has stronger caffeine.  'S' shop use Arabica so it has milder taste.

I have been drinking this Kluang coffee which comes in resealable zipper bag.  Inside, there are 8 coffee mixture bags.  Place one packet of the coffee bag  into your cup and then pour hot water into it.  Tadaa, coffee without all the trouble of cleaning those coffee machine.  It has 70% coffee beans, sugar and margerine.  I usually drink them with a little sugar.  It is also possible if you want to do cold brew.

To be even more frugal, you can use the leftover for your plant or for beauty.

Product retails for
Kluang coffee 8bags at RM3
Made in Malaysia

Available on Shopee,  Lazada and on Amazon .

Not sponsored. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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