Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Hi beautiful,

Acne won't kill you.  It is here to hound you and make you feel miserable.  No, it doesn’t magically disappeared overnight by going to bed.  Here are the 5 reasons that you have acne breakouts and how to deal with them in animation forms.  I hope that you will like them.
5 reasons for your acne breakouts

Here is the video version if you want to see animated version of this article.

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts

1. Puberty
Growing up is hard enough but acne has to mess up your most exciting time.  The triggers are testosterone and androgen.  These hormones just change your skin structures and thus  all the sudden eruption all over your face.

If you are female there are chances that you will get acne even when you are over 21.

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts
2.  Allergies
It is the hidden killer of your skin.  Your skin doesn’t have a mouth that you are poisoning it.  Contact dermatitis is skin allergies.  Everyone has different kind of triggers so get checked.  It could be anything from food such as dairy, sugar, gluten, fragrance, essential oils to rarer ones such as tea, snail, grass, pollen etc

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts
3.  Cosmetics
For those that get their makeup done by others, dirty makeup brushes and low quality makeup can lead to irritation on the skin.

For skincare products, using too many skincare products at the same time without trying them out one by one for at least one month can just break your skin out.  Look into skincare products for your skin type and not what your favourite youtubers are using.

The non comedogenic is tested on rabbit’s ear and not on human so it isn’t accurate to how the skin products will work on your skin.

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts

4.  Clothes
Just make sure to clean your hat, your glasses, change your bed sheets, gym bags and pillow cases every week.  Dust and oil on those clothing can trap unwanted stuff to your skin.

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts

5.  Genetics
Some people just get the end of the short sticks.  So you can’t just the same bar soap for your face and your body else hell break loose.

5 reasons that you have acne breakouts

So what are the solutions for this acne?

If you have access to dermatologists, then they will give you some options.  The last resort is usually accutance which has to be given by medical professional.  It is not a miracle with zero side effects though so read them up first before jumping to this head first.

Dermatologist can also prescribe you pill antibiotics and for females are birth control pills.  There are steroid injections but not recommended.

The topical products are usually just combination of antibiotic, benzoyl peroxide, BHA and AHA which you can buy from pharmacies. 

What if you just want to skip all these nonsense?
Of course you can.  Just read few thousands of articles, google up every single ingredient name from the ingredient list, 180 degree lifestyle changes, food changes and read up hundreds of reviews of skincare products. Good luck with that.

Before I leave it here, make sure to not buy into those weird natural remedies using lemon and vinegar on your face.

No products mentioned here.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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