Tuesday, March 3, 2015


People always talking about diet diet and diet.  Do you know what is skin diet?


Someone said I love to use *what to do* so that is why I have to make my trademark. *shy*  Hope you do not mind it my dear readers.

While I am not a supporter of eating pills or something to beautify my skin, I do go on a skin detox or skin diet after a harsh time.

Recently, my skin was not in a good condition after a week of celebration with eating so much of processed food, cookies, peanuts, beers, high protein but without enough vegetables. Side effect of it? I breakouts, redness and had oily skin with dry patches all over.

Yeah, right after my skin was just good enough to see the daylight. If you experience something like me, it is probably time to look after it.

Don’t be scared, I don’t do anything drastic such as going for extreme measures such as one food diet or not eating anything at all. You could probably incorporate or adapt some of the method for your daily.

1. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Drink more in the morning and noon.  Try to reduce the liquid intake at night to avoid bloating.

2. Drink two or three cups of pure warm green tea. Cold one doesn't really work.

3. Each and munch lots of fruits that contain high vitamin C and minerals. Don’t turn them into juice.

4. Eat plain greek yogurt. No sugar in it.

5. No red meat for the whole week.

6. Eat food high in Omega 3 such as fishes.

7. Avoid everything processed ( for examples: burger, fries, cookies, candy, sweets, can drinks, dairy , sugar)

8. No fried stuffs.

9. No alcohol.

10. Try a detox bath-Epsom salt and lemongrass oil.

11. Use masks daily.  If you love DIY mask, try ingredients such as yogurt, tomatoes, rice or aspirin.

12. I like to go free without makeup for a week.  Well, you don't have to force yourself.

13. No smoking. Duh, don’t smoke forever.

So do you any of the above to care for your skin?

No product reviews here.  Just my opinions on the topic and it is honest as always.

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  1. Hi Sophie, You are welcome. hahahaha. I understand how you feel because I was once confused as much as you do by all the kind of terms too. =)

  2. Do you count your cups of tea towards your total glasses of water? I just started getting back into the habit of having daily cups of green, white, and oolong tea. If I have 3 cups of tea a day I can manage 3-5 cups of water max in addition to the tea. Oh man, and no sweets at all for a whole week???? I can't get through a single day without something sweet, maybe that's a Western sugar addiction!

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the differences between the terms. It really helped me out with purchasing my skin care products! I don't usually comment but this is an exception because I really appreciate you doing this. Thanks again! =)

  4. Nice to see you again Luscious! I don't really count my cups of tea unless I am drinking more than 3 cups per day. it should be drinking 7 glasses of plain water and two cups of warm green tea in the afternoon. That makes it 9glasses of water. Just make sure your intake of overall liquid per day is about 1.5Litre to 2Litre. Too little water will make you dehydrated and too much will make you bloated.

    Green tea should be drink warm as cold one would not give you any effect.

    Hahhaha, I know it is so hard not to have anything sweets XP. You could perhaps eat fruits as substitute or some jam won't hurt. However, eat dozen of macarons, donuts or tarts is sure not going to help the skin.

  5. Welcome and thank you so much Pamela for your compliment as well as taking your time to even write me a comment =) . I am really *touch* and appreciate your effort. It is me who is thankful that readers like you keep giving me support =) . I am really glad that you are able to make purchases for your skin care products =).

  6. hi!

    i would like to ask, if I'm using a pimple cream/gel, which step should I apply it at! Thanks!

  7. hi Vn, If is the spot treatment such as benzoyl, tea tree and clindamycin, i usually apply after toner. cleanser> toner > spot treatment> moisturiser on area not apply the spot treatment

    if you are using those differin, retinol, apply it after you wash your face. the sequence will be cleanser- retinol- moisturiser all over the face.

    Hope this help =)

  8. This article is really great! I love Korean skincare products and starting buying it online from Q-depot, Gmarket since last year and however always find confusing about different products, it really helps me to understand and know how to choose it now. Thank you for the post!

  9. Thank you AngKhoo =). I am glad that my article help you. Do share with me the brands that you love too =) .

  10. hi....
    thnks for such great information.....

  11. @Neha Natani =) You are most welcome =)

  12. Great information!! I just bought Laneige and the sales assistant didnt really explain the different of emulsion,essence and cream. But now i know the different.Thank you so much..

  13. Thank you Sylvi =) . Sometimes, the sales assistant are either new or doesn't know much about Asian skincare products. Which Laneige range did you buy? Just don't use all the emulsion and cream at the same time for your noon routine unless you have really dry skin.


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