Monday, June 10, 2013


This is the 25g tube of Mycin

My skin is not that great to begin with.  I had perfect skin which i took for granted and end up with SEVERE cystic acne when i was 16 years old.  It was a full blown acne eruption that lasted for 10 years.  In the middle of all the eruption  I kept trying products after products to no avail. *that sound like many of us right?*   I can't blame my mum cause people during their time do not have acne even when they virtually don't use cleanser or anything at all.  Moreover, I took the wrong advices and end up having even worse skin than before.  Yeah, I do not have any confidence to meet people and make up is not an option since I am terrible at it.

When BB cream was released in Malaysia, I bought it and use it to cover up the blemishes and everything.  I kept being envious of all those Korean with really nice skin.  How not to be jealous since they have flawless skin?  Just recently, I managed to get it under control and also the reason I started this blog.  To keep track of my skin regime.  This products is one of the products I use when I have acne or the Korean called it trouble skin.  Great skin is what I wish to achieve of course..hahahaha.  My friend complimented that my skin now is 100 times better?  Maybe she did exaggerated a bit but I guessed my skin is now better?

This tube of Mycin is clear and smell a bit like T3.  I am using gel since my skin is combination and it works faster.  T3 Mycin is clindamycin which is an antibiotic.  However, stop using them when the acne heal as prolong usage of antibiotic makes it ineffective.  You don't want to have nothing to use later right?

If you want it to be effective, use it in the afternoon while at night I use something else.  You will need to change some of the lifestyle too and food intake.  Don't take any sugary food or milk especially those sweets.  You can check out the link below for some of the tips to reduce.  I believe diet, lifestyle and also your skincare does play a role and you can see it on your skin.

I still can't say i have flawless skin now but better i guess.  At least i can go out without BB cream if I am lazy now.  Do check some of the links I post up for the long winded way for a better skin.  Hope it will help you.

*a word of caution-don't pop your pimples or acne

what are retinoid ( tretinoin, retin A, tazaroc, adapalene and retinol) in Youtube (1min only)

T3 Mycin retails at Rm27.90 at local pharmacies like Caring pharmacy.  It is for light to moderate acne.

*updated 12/6/2016-someone asked me in email about what is the difference between gel and lotion.  Gel works better for combination skin and oily skin type.  Lotion works slower but it is for dry skin type.  Both are antibiotic for acne prone skin.

This is not a sponsored review.  I bought this product.
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