Sunday, May 3, 2020



A place more famous that the E8 express highway?

Today is just a story about a haunted road that I mentioned in one of the videos I had posted. Feel free to just switch to listening mode since I am just going to use whatever photos as fillers. I am sorry since I couldn’t actually take photo of that place. I had tried but I couldn’t.



So, let move to the story about this haunted road. It is not the famous E8 express highway most known as the Karak highway which I did use as well. That is also a story save for another time. If interested do let me know.

Anyway, this part of road I am going to talk is actually famous with the locals for being spooky.
The road cut through a famous national forest. Many that went for a trip to this national forest saw things such as flying fireball and spirits. Some parts of that road do not even have phone coverage.  On the way, you will pass by graveyards and also some abandoned buildings.

The road takes about 3hours drive. Accidents happen every week in the same spot. It is common to see 6 cars got involved in the accident and each time it involves live taken. So, many road sign were placed but accidents still happen.

Contrary to what people think, that particular spot is actually wide compared to the entire journey. It is hilly as well as winding so it does feel being in a roller coaster except that this is real life and you are in a vehicle controlled by human beings.

Even regulars got involved in accidents.  It is not just spooky after the sunset but also whenever it rains, the road will become very slippery. Now you get to be the main character on Tokyo drift with no Superman' strength and eyesight.

If that is not enough, the second danger of the illusion of the road turning to the left will have you drive straight into the huge ditch.
Drive carefully and only during day time? Not buy into in illusion because you have some ghostbuster protection?

Now, try meeting 3rd obstacles-the wild animals. Yes, monkey doing suicide mode by walking backwards so that you will knock it but if you don't you go into the ditch. Oh, you managed to stop in time? Hopefully the car on the opposite lane  does not go into your road or the car behind you stop in time.

Some people said there was a loud bang on their car but when they got down there was nothing.  I will never get down if it was me.  You don't want to be face to face with something supernatural.

So, don't drive alone, never when it rains and never alone.  Bring a holybook with you and also switch on safety mantra when you are on this road.

Not sponsored. Story is told from my point of views.

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