Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Hi beautiful,

The largest organ is your body is your skin 

Skincare and beauty is one of the essential importance things nowadays for health besides looking presentable to get a job.

😂Don't tell me to leech on my parents because my circumstance doesn't allow it.  Also no, I am not a popular blogger and I do not get truckloads of products to my doorsteps.  Here are my 8 money beauty saving tips.

8 money beauty saving tips

1.  Educate yourself on skincare
By educating, I don’t mean buy whatever suggested by beauty magazine and people who has 6 HGs every months.  Look into your skin type and skin concern.  A few selected products for your skin works way better than having 20 products.  Learning about your skin type and ingredients that are suitable for your skin opens up your choice to vast amount of affordable products that you can choose for your skin. Also do not throw everything all at once to your face least you break out and have no idea what went wrong.
I mostly buy one good serum and everything else I just buy affordable ones (lesser than usd25).
With good skin, I rarely spend on makeup.  I do have few makeup items that I only buy once a year.  A lipstick/lip tint, eyebrow pencil and mascara (buy Japanese or sample size).

2. Set a budget
Set a budget for your beauty products for the whole year and not individual products because who knows going into the beauty stores for one thing and came out with 5 other more?  Once you set your budget, you only look for products within that range.  Stop looking at high end just because Beyonce use it.  Beauty products shouldn't be more than 1% of your income.

3. I avoid high end department stores
Sorry, no SKII, La Mer, Chanel, Dior, Clarins, Kiehl, Estee Lauder, Diptique etc.  I think you know how much you can end up spending when you are at that high end beauty counter especially with pushy sales girl.  Unless you are in that kind of circle where snobbish people use only expensive stuff to sound posh, chances is nobody will know.  If people shame you for not using branded stuff, then you probably have to evaluate what kind of friends you have there.
High end and expensive does not mean it is guaranteed magic potion.

4. I avoid too cheap products
I like being cheap but not to the point of putting whatever crap poison onto my face.  There are some very cheap products which has questionable ingredients that are just not safe to put on the face.

5. I avoid MLM brand
I also avoid MLM brand since most of the time the expensive price is just to pay the up line and not the quality of what goes into the beauty products.  That is why many keep changing products to entice people into buying that crap.  Now, many are trying to use beauty influencer in the name of ‘business’ to get people to be free salesperson.  Why pay USD50 that I can get the same if not better with just USD15?

6. See a good dermatologist
If you have severe acne, then it is best to go and see a good dermatologist.  Just like doctors, there are good ones and lousy ones out there.  So, look for reviews and pay for a good dermatologist.  It better than wasting money after money to try out products that claim to do magic. 
I haven’t see a dermatologist since I was able to control my acne but don’t do what I do unless you don’t mind your face be the guinea pigs.
Also, ask pharmacy for generic brands which is just essentially the same thing but you pay less.

7.Shop smart
I only buy things once or twice a year.  The best time to buy is the end year Holiday season or in May.  Look for bargains, coupons and compare the prices for the products that you need.  If you just want to try some new shiny thing because some youtubers claim magic, then look into some samples or travel size to avoid wasting money if the products do not work for you.
For some things such as fake eyelashes, cotton pads, cushion puff, compressed sheet masks, konjac sponge etc Just go and get them at the dollar stores such as Daiso which you probably only need to go once a year.  Why spend the extra usd10 just for a brand to stick upon the box?

8.Eat Healthy, Healthy lifestyle
Sorry this is a no brainer but I am just going to repeat this. There is no need for whatever Detoxification food out there.  Your body is good enough to do all that if you just feed it right.  Check out that food pyramid and see what you are eating.  Stop smoking, drinking some many beers and eat too much sugary food.  Check out that meal plan to start.  You can’t expect glowing skin with craps like fast food inside the stomach.

Overall, that is how I actually beauty all my way  for 7 years now because I need to look presentable because one can't get a decent job with unpleasant face appearance.  A decent looking appearance does matter.

The opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.  No product recommendation.  Not paid or sponsored.

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