Friday, April 21, 2017



Today I wanted to share with you some herbs that I have using to deal with acne, pimples, fungal acne and etc.

Himalaya Herbals is an Aryuvedic brand in India and it is commonly available in South East Asia.  I have been using Himalaya Neem Cleanser and their Neem mask for more than 10 years.  I mentioned about their products because I love some of them.  I have bought most of their product myself, don't ever get paid for saying it except maybe some products to review in the future.

Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha are two products that I have been using and consuming to get rid of acne whenever they pop up because I do not have much time for skincare, the stress damage my skin and also I pick on my pimples T_T.

Not much is known about these two Ayuvedic herbs-Neem and Ashvagandha.  Compared to other ingredients in the market, there is lack of hype from the beauty world probably because it is plants and is not popularized.

Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha

Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha

Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha

Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem

Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem

Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem

Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem

Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
Himalaya pure herbs Neem
Himalaya pure herbs Neem powder on my skin

review Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
review Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha

review Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha
review Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha

Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha is called as Indian ginseng but then it is unrelated to ginseng. Other name are poison gooseberry or winter cherry.  Ashvagandha is rejuvenating herbs and helps the body to combat external stress, protect immune systems, combat insomnia, anti inflammatory, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, reduce depression and improves memories.    With the anti inflammatory and reduces stress, it is used for hormonal acne caused by sleeping late and stressed.  It won't work on those big cystic kind of acne but will reduce the severity.  One is supposed to consume one capsules twice a day for 12 days and then follow by Himalaya pure herbs Neem.  Ashvagandha  is best ingested to reap the most benefits from it.  It does helps to reduce sweating and my insomnia.

Himalaya pure herbs Neem is a wonderful herbs to treat acne and skin problems.  Many find using neem works even for their most annoying acne problem without the burns that will happens with some other skincare products.  After all, Neem is anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacteria, sedative, anti diabetic and contraceptive.  It is not recommended for children and also not for pregnant women.  I was digesting it for a month and also use the powder to apply on my face.  It really works to get rid of my acne and prevent the area from infection.  If you have oil skin, it helps to remove those sebum and prevent the same spot from breaking out again.  You can remove the capsules for the powder but it is bitter so you might not like it. I love using the neem mask as spot treatment at night since it does not burn the skin and it is just pure neem powder.

I did not use other new products when I was trying out Ashvagandha and Neem to find out their effectiveness.  It is a good herb to add into beauty routine since it amplified the capability of the skin to get rid of acne. You do need to avoid spicy food and very oily food when you are using neem to see the best results.

Neem and Ashvagandha are sure great ingredients for acne prone skin.  These two are another products from Himalaya that I recommend acne prone skin to take a look because it is affordable.  I am really impressed by capability of neem powder and this is one of those magic potion made for acne prone skin.

Overall, I will recommend Himalaya pure herbs Neem and Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha for those having acne, stressful life, insomnia and do not have much time for a long skincare routine.  Himalaya is vegan brands and it is 100 percent natural with no other added substance.

Product retails for
Himalaya Pure herbs Ashvagandha 60 capsules RM54.80
Himalaya pure herbs Neem 60 capsules RM54.80
Available at local pharmacy such as Guardians, Watsons.

In USA you can get it from Amazon .
on YesStyle: YUERAIN999 (2-5% off) (neem oil)

For more information, please visit Himalaya Facebook and Himalaya Instagram.  Products are sent for my consideration. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.
*contains affiliate links. you won't get charged extra from buying from my link.please do use it if you like my blog 😃

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