Saturday, February 14, 2015


After watching this Korean beauty show about exotic food for beauty, I was inspired and decided to discuss the kind of food Asians or in my country people actually eat for beauty.


I mean it would be interesting to show what kind of food that people here eat and some always swear that is the secret to their flawless beauty. Please take it with a pinch of salt because I personally tried many of it and truth to say eating that alone without using skincare products or healthy lifestyle is sure not going to make your skin flawless.

1. chicken butt
I am sure where this comes from but many people swear by eating the chicken butt, one face can be flawless and smooth.  I don't know but the friend who told me about eating the chicken butt has super soft and smooth skin.  She said she only use water to wash her face???? Okay. I tried it and it didn't work on me. It only helped to increase the size of boobs and my waist too!  Lucky the effect was temporary because I sure do not want increase in waist line.  I don't know where goes wrong but I heard there is a method to eat the chicken butt to get the best out of it.

2. chillies

This is my mum's" method" of having flawless skin.  To her, the spicier the chillies the better.  Her theory is the chillies kills all the acne bacteria.  She can't eat her rice without chillies in soya sauce everyday.  Her skin doesn't have such problem like I do.  Too bad, I just can't stand her level of spiciness and maybe that is the reason my skin is having the acne problem.  I don't know if it is true but my family members who love spicy food don't have such problem except me. I can't help but break out in sweat every time I have to dip my meals with spicy curry.  Not to mentioned my lips swell in size which is not a good thing to look at.

3. sea horse soup
Sea horse is to said having a lot of collagen and cleanses the blood well which leads to making one's  skin flawless.  Personally, I think it didn't help much because I was just relying on it alone and it was cruel of me to drink such cute creatures up. =(  I mean I personally feel that way but you can try if you really want. I since stop eating or drinking such thing already.

4. Sting ray
This is one of the Korean exotic food for beauty which they happens to eat it fresh. It smells like toilet or ammonia so can't be eating it in 'sashimi' form.  I rather throw it away! Here, it is common for people to eat it in form of "asam pedas" meaning cooked in lots of chillies and Garcinia atroviridis to get rid of that stinky smell.  I don't know about the effect on skin but it is good for those who likes sour and spiciness.

5. chicken feet

This is also my favourite and I think it is common for people to eat it here.  Some people cook in soup but Chinese will cook it black making it has the dark brown colour.  It taste like chicken wings but of course with a lot of bones.  There is the collagen in there and it is good for the skin since there is no fats at all in the chicken feet.  Well, collagen minus the fat right!  Double good for the skin!

6. Sharks
No, not shark fins.  It is cruel to just eat the shark fins.  We decided to eat the whole shark into the stomach.   It is not easy to clean the black colour shark and the whole house will stink of fish.  It is said to cleanses the blood and the skin from toxic.  I am not sure how true it is but it taste good to me. I like it with lots of dry chillies and onions.  It is not the same shark as the one people eat for shark fins and by the way, I don't eat shark fins.

7. Pig trotter 
*non-halal* (not for the muslims)   .  Many non muslims eat it because it contains high level of collagen.  Expensive though to eat it weekly.  The amount of time and the effort to cook it are also enormous which makes it becomes a rare thing.  Usually the one cooked in black vinegar, black beans and ginger.

So, what do you think?  Is there any food that people in your countries eat for beauty?

This is not a food recommendation.  Please read for a laugh or just for information purposes.  The opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.

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