Monday, December 9, 2013


Actually this is not the first time I come to this restaurant.  The restaurant is always full with tourist or with families that comes for vacations considering that there are hotels at the same row.  It is not air conditioned but is clean and well maintained.  One won't see flies flying around their restaurant even if it is not equipped with air-conditioner.  There is one toilet but it is clean too =).  They have a open kitchen where you can see them actually cooking your food.  Lunch is buffet style where one choose the food and wait for the owner to come to you and write down the price in a piece of paper.  It is definitely a place for families to have a simple dinner or tea.  It also one out of two restaurants that open 24 hours 7days in a row.

 There is a TV with Astro for the customer to watch.  However, there will charges of RM0.50 per hour for usage of the electricity plug considering some people comes and just charge their phone for free without ordering anything.  There is Wi Fi but it is with password.

As for dinner, you can opt for the same food serve during lunch or order ala carte but it depends if the cook can make it.  Normally, customers would order mee goreng, nasi goreng, roti canai or tosai.  They used to have chappati and naan but it is no longer available now.

Service is quite fast but if there are many peoples around, it will be slow since they only have one cook.

The food is cheap and reasonable.  I like their roti canai because the bread is cook perfectly and I couldn't find any sign of blackish dots on my roti canai.  The portion is reasonable and quite filling with the tasty dahl added with a little sambal.  The roti canai is tasty and soft with few layers inside the roti canai.  I do like their dahl but since it always comes in small portion, I would always have to ask for extras.  No extra charges for extra dahl and I find that they would give more dalh if I order a takeaway.

The roti telur or the direct English translation is called 'egg bread' is equally delicious and well made.  The egg is cooked properly and soft.  I like it very much as I don't like burnt roti canai.  It goes well with the dalh.  However, the size is of course not that big and so one will always need two pieces to be satisfied.

The tosai comes in a big portion and wrap so it is really filling and ordering one is enough.  Unlike other tosai that i had tasted, this doesn't have any sour taste in it.  The tosai will come with dahl, curry and chili paste.  The tosai is cooked with no sign of any burn so this is really healthy for a health conscious person like me.

Roti canai : RM0.80
Roti canai telur: RM 1.50
Tosai: RM1.20
Plain water: Free

Went there on 17/11/2013 for dinner

Location: No.72-73, Jalan Sulaiman, Bandar Tepian Sungai, Mersing Kechil, Mersing Town, 86800
Phone: 016-716 3124
Spending: RM10 and below

Food is not sponsored. However, the opinions expressed here are my own and honest as always.


  1. Wah! The roti canai and tosai sure is cheap compared to KL prices.

  2. yeah, thank u, it's still a long long way to my clean and clear skin dream =.=

  3. I tag you for Versatile Blogger Award

  4. You are welcome. Well, there is no rocket science in achieving clear and beautiful skin. I also had my bad times. =)

  5. Hey, I come back after using the product. My skin is much better than before I used the product. Everyone notices my changes. Sometimes I go out without wearing the BB cream. I still work on reducing redness. Should I use moisturizer?

  6. That is really good to hear =) . You can use a little moisturiser if you feel dry. Do not use any oily for the time being. The redness will go away slowly.

  7. Thank you :) I feel relief to hear that the redness will fade :)

  8. You are most welcome =). Be gentle to your skin =)

  9. hi, wow great tips. i just started to use T3 Mycine. Previously i used Benzoyl Peroxide gel BP 2.5 and 5% with Erythromycin Topica Gel USP 4% together. but it didn't work out. it will only stop them for sometime. I am suffering from Acne since 2009. One of my friends told me to use This t3 mycine gel. so far its good and shows result, i can see that its fading away.

  10. buy t3 mycine gel

  11. Hi i used to apply acne cream and after a period of time my face got'burnt' and it became a red patch. Is that what happened to you? How should i continue abt it? Thankyou!!

  12. Hi Alice. I think you stop using if you are skin is 'burnt; badly. Once should be use sunblock during the day to avoid the skin being burnt. Do check if the sunblock you are using contains ingredients such as retinol, tretinoin or vitamin C. Antibiotic such as clindamycin usually does not cause the skin to burnt. You can try cool down the face by applying aloe vera (If you are not allergic to aloe vera) . You also could use the calamin lotion (apply at night or when you don't see people) . Don't use scrubs or any other skincare products that can hurt your skin more. If you are into natural things-then go for DIY egg mask or tomato mask.

    Your skin is very fragile and sensitive when it is burnt so make sure to treat it very gentle and apply sunblock during the day.

    Hope this help =)

  13. Oh i have oily skin too,any recommendations of skincare products? Thx:)

  14. May I know your age range? The skincare I use is for oily combination skin which is more for adult. Teenagers skin is different from adult so it is easier to give recommendation if I know your age. Do you have any special preference for Western or Korean skincare products too?

  15. Hi im 16 tis yr,no particular preference though,as long as it works well:)

  16. For drugstore-I am using Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser& their day lotion. Here is the link

    As for Korean products,most teenagers like the Etude House Wonder Pores but I haven't try it since it is only suitable for teenagers.

    As for the pimple cream, my skin doesn't like benzoyl peroxide so I use Clindamycin which is an antibiotic or Differin (only at night) .

    Although some dermatologist would say not to use mask- I do find some masks help to reduce the problem. Clay mask, mud mask and also DIY natural mask (egg and tomato) do help the skin.

    Try to avoid sugar and processed food such as cakes, milk and can drinks as it cause clogged pores and pimples.

    Your skin is probably due to your age and so don't wash your face more than three times each day as it makes your skin produce more oil. Just use the tissue and pat on your skin to get rid of oil. Don't use thick powder as makeup does clogged pores.

  17. Thanks alot! Are you from S'pore? ^^

  18. You are most welcome =). I am from the country next to Singapore, Malaysia. Do you know Tioman Island or KL (Kuala Lumpur)? The weather here is very hot 35-40 Celsius

  19. Haha yes I know KL!! But I've never been there before,only JB&Malacca hahaha.Wow 40°C drink lots of water ya! ;)

  20. Yeah, it is really hot here. Even I can't stand the weather although am born here and stay here for so long. Wow, at least you have been to Malacca and JB. Mind telling me which country are you from? Singapore or from other countries?

  21. Im from Singapore,equally hot as well:) Are you a young adult? Oh Malaysia's National Day is end of this month!

  22. Yes, I am a young adult.hahaha. Yeah, National Day is the end of this month. Well, Singapore is hot. That is why most people here have combination or oily skin. Don't dry your skin too much since you are still young. I learned that the hard way =( . A little oil is just fine-helps to protect the skin from dryness.=)

  23. Hmmm.... it seems like I've over wash my face.... It produce so much oil >_< it's been years and the oil production still continuing.(Wash 4 times a day) Pimples started to grow when I'm 14 and I use dermalogica product-the whole set (it cost an arm and a leg) for 2 years and it had no effect, plus, the pimples are getting worse and because I always go under the sun, my skin tone became darker and darker >_< When I'm 16, a doctor prescribed me to use Acne Aid cleanser, Duac and T3mycin. It's a major help at first, my friends and teacher complement me. But after 3 months or more, the gel effect started to faded. I was so anxious as the pimples started to spring up like weeds. I'm still using them until recently I change my gel from Duac + T3mycin to Topicil and Aloe Young Gel. Any recommendation for what I should do to improve my skin (skin tone, pores, pimples and oil production)?

  24. Hi Brandon. I understand your situation. T3mycin is actually antibiotic and the effect will fade after a short period of time. Duac on the other hand contains retinoid which can only be applied at night and you need sunscreen or it would further hurt your skin

    You wash your face too much. Besides, do you apply moisturiser after washing your face? Do you use sunscreen or sunblock? That is really important to avoid your skin from further damage.

    You could check out this post since what I do is written here.

    1. Wash not more than 3 times- do not use toner and remember to apply moisturiser (Cetaphil oil cleanser& cetaphil moisturiser for oily skin)

    2. Avoid processed food such as candies, cookies, ice cream, sweets and anything with SUGAR and MILK. DO NOT eat them at all.

    3. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables and drink 2 litres of plain water everyday.

    4. You could try tomatoes mask every night to improve on the healing and skin tone problem.

    5. Use aspirin mask to calm down the skin (Dispirin or Bayer)

    6. Always use sunscreen before going out of the house. Go for 40+ .

    7. Do not scrub your face. If you feel oily, just dip the cotton pad into mineral water or carbonated water(without sugar) and put it on your face. It will soak up the oil. Or just wash it with plain water.

    8. You could also try clay mask or mud mask to help with soaking up the oil but again do not use it everyday.

  25. Thank you Su. Try not to keep using it as your skin will become resistant to Mycin since it is a form of antibiotic after some time.

  26. Hi Kathy. Antibiotic such as Mycin will work for a while but one can't use it for a prolong of time. You will still need a good skincare regime and a healthy lifestyle as well as diet to help in long run.

  27. I don't use sunscreen that's why I get very tanned from baby white to Malay brown. It's awful. 2yrs ago, I used the whole set of dermalogica products which include moisturizer, toner etc. Well, it costs a pretty penny and didn't help well so I quit buying. I don't do mask but I'll try. My doctor told me to use Duac during the day and T3Mycin for the night. She didn't told me to use any sunscreen. Now I'm not using them (financial probs). I would like to ask about the product "Topicil" I recently bought. The pharmacist recommended me but I felt queasy the moment I saw contain 30+% Isopropyl alchol. Well that's the acne problem. Next one, I got large pores. How can I help them? My friend told me to use BB cream but I don't think it would help much since I read a lot of blog saying so.

    Problem 3, how can I regain/ improve skin tone? As said drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid oily, fried food, using aloe vera to improve complexion, etc.

  28. Ermm, I don't know about Topicil since I have never use it before. I guess the pharmacist recommended you because your skin is too oily and alcohol helps to absorb it. I am sure it it will irritate it since I am not a pharmacist or a medical doctor.

    I would suggest that you treat the acne problem first. The pores and skin tone can be treated later as that is what I am doing too.

    Your skin is damage(dark and large porest) as you are using Duac which needs sunscreen. Actually Duac&mycin can help those condition given that you use sunscreen.

    Please do not use BB cream because it contains oil and BB cream is actually makeup. It will clogged your skin even more.

    I find that my skin tones heals with using DIY tomatoes mask regularly (must be hardworking). You could take supplement of Vitamin C and Zinc (not more than 1.5g for Zinc) as it really help to heal the skin. Food that contains them are tomatoes, lemon and spinach.

    Aloe vera works great for sunburnt but not for improving skin tones. Tomatoes works great to have lighter skin. You could try applying the egg white to your face daily to improve on your pores.

    You skin is very much irritated and so do not need to buy fancy products to use. A simple gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil oil cleanser and the Cetaphil moisturiser is good enough.

    Healing your skin is a slow process and it is not easy but you would need to be patient. You would need to keep up with the regime for about 1month before you can see it.

  29. nice blog............... i like this thankx for sharing your experience

  30. Thank you Isabel! I am so happy that you like this and thank you for your compliment on my blog =).


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