Friday, May 10, 2013


Taking care of skin is really not easy especially when we do not have good genes to born with.  Yeah, of course i envy those people that only need to just use plain water on their face and still have flawless skin!  Of course, i wish my skin that my skin is flawless, soft and porcelain but unfortunately no. *sob* .

So, besides doing all the skincare routine and using the skincare suitable for skin, i do avoid some certain food like eating too much of meat.  I still love "fried chicken" though.  So, here is some food that i found out should be avoided eaten in large quantity.  Well, taking everything in large quantity is never good for our body right?

Well, milk is good for babies and our bones but not our skin.  Apparently, high consumption of milk can cause acne.  It will cause the skin to create more sebum and thus cause more clogged pores.  So, when the pores are clogged up, acne pop up.  So, just drink 8glasses of water everyday and do not overload your body with milk.   Your skin hates milk.


Processed sugar can cause a lot of problems for our skin.  Not only sugar can cause diabetes and cause acne and also make you look older!   High consumption of sugar will break down the collagen inside the skin.  So, if you want to stay and look younger than your real age, you would have no choice but to reduce the consumption of sugar but do not skip sugar totally.  Opt for fresh fruits if you need any sugary treats rather than gobbled up the whole cheese cake.  Well, who could resist dessert like macaroons once in awhile right?


Apparently, consuming white bread, rice and pasta and in large quantity cause the body to release insulin and  also cause the hormones that cause pimples to wake up as well =P  .  Bad for the skin.  Yeah, recently that i stop consuming so much of rice due to aging(i can't eat as much as i did ) i do realise that my skin wasn't so much pimply as before.  White is also not good for those that wanted to stay slim as well.  Go for wholemeal bread for breakfast instead.

There is no evidence that chocolates cause acne unless you love those with milk and sugar inside.  I love dark chocolates and eating a lot of them does not ever cause me to break out so i guess the myth about chocolates causing acne is not true at all.

Thanks for visiting ^^.


  1. :O!!!! I didnt know that milk can cause acne? lol

    1. Thanks for visiting ^^ . Drink milk in moderation is okay but having too much everyday will cause acne since it increase the sebum production inside our skin. > <

  2. I've heard to avoid white food for a good completion before so this makes sense! Thanks for the tips :0

    1. Thanks for visiting ^^. Hope it helps in your journey towards great skin. Our Diet does make a difference towards the skin.

  3. But I love them all!!!

    1. Well, who don't right? Just eat in moderation will be okay. Anything in excess will be harmful. You must have really nice skin? i will have reduce all those if i want clear complexion T_T .

  4. I heard that almonds and berries where very good for your complexion! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting. Almonds and berries is really good for skin. However, it is reall expensive to get berries in Malaysia. Almonds is good to have radiant complexion ^^.

  5. These are amazing tips. I always hated milk since childhood. The very smell of it makes me puke even now. And I have less sugar anyway. But these are great tips. Thankfully they have no restrictions about chocolate. Because I've heard, dark chocolate is actually good for your health. xoxo

    1. hahaha.ME too! I dislike milk since i was a baby too. My mum said i rather starve than having milk. I love dark chocolates too ^^. They are good for heart and complexion.

  6. I always control my sugar intake but chocolates are too tempting! :(

    1. Dark chocolates is good. I can eat a big bar everyday ^^. Just choose the one with less sugar. i break the sugar law most of the time cause I can't resist sweet things like cakes and macaroons.

  7. Oh I hope the post would be longer. I love to read everything about food and skin. I knew about sugar. It is terrible for skin. I sometimes, joking, when I add a spoon of sugar in my coffee I say "one wrinkle"...this is very cute.

    1. Thanks for visiting and loving the post^^. i am afraid people will get bore with reading a long post. Your comment will motivate me to write longer next time ^^. Hahaha, wrinkles or bitter coffee? Have to make such a difficult decision > < .

  8. Uh oh, I looove milk and bread! Maybe I need to stop eating and drinking so much of it. Haha. Thanks for the informative post! #giglove

  9. Thanks Ari =) . Milk is good for bones but too much can cause acne =( . I think my skin doesn't like milk much.

  10. oohhh! I have never liked drinking milk,hahhaa.. but I like mixing powdered milk and oatmeal and make it into a mask for my face.hahaha..i love how soft my skin feels after.. nice post!


  11. That must have contributed to your flawless skin =). Oooh, thanks for the tips. Have not tried using milk with oatmeal yet =) Thanks such lovely comment =).


Thanks for commenting and visiting ^^